About me
- Hello every one! My name is Mahmoud-Almohammad, from syria, I'm 19yo, graduate from high school in 2022 and
now a web developer.
My education history
As I said before, I study in jordanian high school in science section and graduate with 96.3 average, after
that I tried to go and study in a university but unfortunately I didn't accepted in any university, so I
came to turkey to try to study dentistry but also the same result happen, but I didn't give up! I start
studying web development and what you are seeing now is a living proof that I'm starting with it and I
believe that my journey is just started and a way far to end, so I'm so glad to share with you my story.
My jop experience
Because I spent my short-time period that I lived in studying, I couldn't work for a long time and get an
experience, but I worked for a
couple of months in several jobs, I worked as a developer for autopilot car's system for about 3 months,
then I quit, and I worked in a manufacturing sofas and also quit, but the most job I'm proud that I did it
was teaching kids for 3 years as a volunteer work.